• Approving Money Laundering fighting Law and what the decree 5 states


    Peace and blessings,

              Asharqia Chamber presents its best regards and informs you of  the receipt of the letter the Council of Saudi Chamber,  No 2263 date 22/8 / 1438), referring to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. 42523 date 19/8/1438 regarding the reference to the Royal Decree No. (M / 31) date (11/5 / 1433), approving money laundering fighting system and the fifth decree  regarding the verification of employees of financial institutions, and the non financial businesses and professions (including the precious metals and precious stones sector) National identity - residence - passport), at the beginning or when dealing with any process directly or on their own and taking care of the measures such as the name, address, owners names and authorized signatories, and the importance of sticking to the principle of "Know Your Customer" and procedures with the customers.

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